Can Do Hope 2018

Gallup is proud to sponsor the Can Do Hope award, which celebrates individuals and organizations that represent the “can do” attitude in our community.
This year’s award will honor Ivan Gilreath, President and CEO at Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands. Gallup selected this year's recipient because he embodies the “can do” attitude in our community through his leadership, initiatives and community involvement. Under Ivan’s leadership more than 2,000 students on average are served daily through Boys & Girls Club’s eleven sites, with four more set to open before the end of 2019.

According to Gallup Representative, Jamie Hunt, “Great organizations and great communities have great leaders, and we are recognizing Ivan Gilreath with the Can Do Hope Award for being one of our community’s great leaders. His leadership impact and outcomes will live on for decades to come.”
The award will be presented at the Can Do Luncheon on April 18 at the Marriott at Capitol District. The luncheon will feature keynote speaker, Maryum Ali, eldest daughter of Muhammad Ali. To buy your tickets, click here!