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OOS @ Kids Can

Before & After School

Before School

Before School programming opens at 6:00 AM. Every morning, we offer breakfast, STEMsmart activities, and transportation to the schools on established van routes. Kids Can works directly with each school to ensure children are dropped off at the designated times. We are currently providing before school transportation to Ashland Park Robbins, Gilder, Gateway, and Karen Western Elementary Schools.  We will be able to add more schools depending on need and resources.

Schedule: Morning activities range from crafts, STEM activities, a physical activity, and homework help. 

  6:00 AM - Program opens, breakfast served in Cafeteria until 8:00 AM

  6:10 AM to 6:50 AM - Morning physical activity and play in Gymnasium

  6:50 AM to 7:00 AM - Gym clean up and transition to morning programming

  7:00 AM to 8:00 AM - Morning programming, see more info below

  8:00 AM to 8:10 AM - Programming clean up

  8:10 AM to 8:20 AM - Transportation preparation

  8:20 AM to 8:30 AM - Departure for schools

Groups Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Gateway Activity: Physical Activity Activity: STEM Activity: Homework Help / ELA Activity: Craft / Centers Activity: Electronics

Room: Gym Room: 204 Room: 204 Room: 204 Room: 204
Ashland Park-Robbins Activity: Craft / Centers Activity: Physical Activity Activity: Homework Help / ELA Activity: STEM Activity: Electronics

Room: 202 Room: Gym Room: 202 Room: 202 Room: 202
Gilder / Karen Western Activity: Homework Help / ELA Activity: Craft / Centers Activity: STEM Activity: Physical Activity Activity: Electronics

Room: 203 Room: 203 Room: 203 Room: Gym Room: 203

After School

After School programming begins as soon as we pick up our students from their schools. After we are back atthe center, students have snack and then break out into their age/grade groups. In these groups, we continue  STEMsmart activities to build off what our students already know and challenge them to look at things differently. 

Schedule: Afternoon activities range from crafts, STEM activities, physical activities and homework.

   4:30 PM to 4:45 PM - Arrival and snack

   4:45 PM to 5:00 PM - Reading and Homework

   5:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Programming, see schedule below

   5:45 PM to 6:00 PM - Homework help & dismissal (Cafeteria)

Groups Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
K - 3rd Grade Physical Activities Community Program Partners STEM Activities Craft / Center Activities Technology
4th - 6th Grade Community Program Partners Soccer Practice & STEM Physical Activities Soccer Practice & Center Activities Technology

Program Fees

The fee for each program is $40.00 for a full week or $8.00 per day. Families are only charged for days their child(ren) attend program. Child Care Subsidy (Title XX) payment is accepted, and some scholarships are available.


Schools & Transportation

We currently provide transportation to the following elementary schools:

  • Ashland Park Robbins (before & after)
  • Gateway (before & after)
  • Gilder (before school only)
  • Karen Western  (before & after)



For before or after school programming, the weekly fee is $40.00 or $8.00 per day per child. Families are only charged for the days their children attend. Some scholarships may be available for those families in need.

A registration fee ($25 for individual child/$40 for multiple), and two-weeks deposit. 

Child Care Subsidy (Title XX) payments are accepted upon authorization. 

Please stop by anytime between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM to complete the enrollment process. We must have the completed enrollment forms as well as a copy of your children’s immunization records in order to begin serving your child(ren). 

To schedule an appointment to complete the registration process, tour our facilities, and learn more about the program call 402-731-6988 or contact Tori Anderson at

For Child Care Subsidy authorizations our provider number is 77283875.