Can Do Event 2021

Join us for the 2021 Can Do Event!
What: Can Do Celebration
When: April 22, 2021, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Where: Live Stream Event
Contact: Cliff McEvoy,, 402-731-6988
Tickets & Sponsorship Info
If you are interested becoming a sponsor, you can purchase directly here or download the sponsorship form. Individual tickets can be purchased here or on the ticket below.
Contact Cliff McEvoy at 402-731-6988 or for questions and to show your can do spirit!

Can Do Sponsors
- Bellevue University
- Gallup
- Nebraska Early Childhood Collaborative
- Oxbow Animal Health
- Union Pacific
- Wells Fargo
Can Do Provider Award

Kids Can is proud to present the 2021 Can Do Provider Award, sponsored by the Nebraska Early Childhood Collaborative, to Dawn Dreher. Dawn has been a child care provider since 2014 and has shown her Can Do spirit through incredible dedication to the children and families that she serves. She has demonstrated an incredible growth-mindset both as a business owner and a professional in the field of Early Childhood Education. Dawn has graduated from NECC’s Business Training Series, received her Child Development Associate Credential and has recently enrolled in supplementary early childhood courses at a university.
“This award was created to recognize family child care providers on their journey to higher quality,” said Shannon Cotsoradis, President and CEO at NECC. “Dawn demonstrates the Can Do attitude through her dedication to raising the bar and providing high-quality care to the children and families she serves each day.”
Check out the award presentation video here:
Can Do Future Award

The 2021 Can Do Future Award is honoring Dr. Idalene Williams and the Greater Omaha Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women (NC100BW). The Can Do Future award, sponsored by Wells Fargo Bank, showcases individuals and organizations that strive to create opportunities for a brighter future for our community. Dr. Williams is President of the NC100BW Greater Omaha Chapter whose mission is to advocate on behalf of black women and girls to promote leadership development and gender equity in the areas of health, education and economic empowerment.
Cristina Castro-Matukewicz, Wells Fargo Vice-President and Community Affairs Associate Manager, said “Idalene Williams and the National Coalition of 100 Black Women’s Greater Omaha Chapter represent the spirit of the award because of its ‘Can Do’ attitude and its resilience, courage and creativity in its quest to create opportunities for a better future for black girls and women in Omaha.”
Check out the award presentation video here:
Can Do Mentor Award

Kids Can is excited to present 2021 Can Do Mentor Award to Amy Coacher. Sponsored by Union Pacific, the award recognizes the power of the individual as a key component to strengthening our communities.
Amy describes herself as a lifelong learner. She started down a new career path last year as a buyer at Mulhall’s Nursery and has officially become a houseplant fanatic. Her love of learning and passion for education brought her to Kids Can and she is having a blast being a mentor to Eliana. “The last two years have been so much fun.” Amy says “Baking brownies and trying to win a game of ‘Scrambled States of America’ are the best part of my Wednesdays.”
Amy and her mentee, Eliana, have been matched for over two years. Stephanie Stickels, Out-of-School Site Director said, “Whether in person or now virtual, Amy always makes time to meet with Eliana. As Eliana’s mom says, Eliana looks forward to mentoring every Wednesday!”
Check out the award presentation video here:
Can Do Educator Award

This year's Can Do Educator Award will honor Monica Wells. She works at Nelson Mandela Elementary School as the Family Support Coordinator and School Counselor. Proud and honored to be raised in North Omaha, Monica has had the privilege of working with inner city youth through education and mentoring for over 15 years. Her personal mission has always been to inspire others to be happy, confident, and believe in their full potential.
According to Program Manager, Shilene Meeks, “Mrs. Wells has a heart of gold. She goes above and beyond the call of duty for the Mandela family. Mrs. Wells embodies the ‘can do’ spirit of this award as she has taken school counseling to a whole new level. She goes above and beyond the call of duty by providing educational resources and support to families who have or had been involved in traumatic situations. She is a true life saver.”
The Can Do Educator award is sponsored by Oxbow Animal Health. “Oxbow continues to sponsor this award, honoring a local educator who has made a difference within their school and in support of Kids Can programs. Oxbow admires and supports local educators who invite curiosity, guide learning, spark imagination, and nurture self-esteem in the youngest members of our community,” said Deborah Buhro, CEO, Oxbow Animal Health.
Check out the award presentation video here:
Can Do Junior Award

Ashton Evans is the recipient 2021 Can Do Junior Award! Now a sixth grader at Gilder Elementary, he has been attending the Kids Can after school programs since he was in Kindergarten. Ashton is very active in school through sports, the spelling bee, and even received awards for attendance and sportsmanship. Ashton said, “I have learned many lessons at Kids Can that I will have with me throughout life. We practice mindfulness every day at Kids Can and this has been very helpful for me because I catch myself taking those lessons and applying them to my school day or when I am at home when I need to refocus or calm down.”
According to Kids Can Assistant Site Director, Jennalee Lybarger, “Ashton has been a great role model in our program and is always eager to help others with a positive attitude.” The Can Do Junior award is sponsored by Bellevue University and will be presented at the Can Do event on April 22nd. As part of the award, Ashton will receive a 25% scholarship for his first three semesters at Bellevue University.
Check out the award presentation video here:
Can Do Hope

The 2021 Can Do Hope Award goes to Kate Nicholson, School Social Worker at Wakonda Elementary School. Ms. Nicholson has been as a Social Worker in Omaha for 9 years. She has served on several school committees including planning and coordinating family nights, fundraisers, group mentoring programs, holiday donation giveaways and the monthly food pantry. “Wakonda is a place I love to come to work at every day. I strive to make meaningful connections with our students, families and community partners. My goal and constant commitment is to make Wakonda a place where our students and their families feel welcome and believed in. As Wakonda Wildcats we work every day to Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful and to Be BRAVE.”
The Can Do Hope award is sponsored by Gallup. Scott Moulton, Kids Can Board member and Gallup Director of Properties commented, “School social workers have been carrying a huge load during COVID. They have been asked to be more and more responsible for COVID safety at schools. We are proud to recognize with this award Kate in particular and all school social workers in Omaha right now.”
Check out the award presentation video here:
Good Neighbor Sponsors
- Baird Holm
- Bridges Trust
- Dundee Bank
- First National Bank of Omaha
- Holland Basham Architects
- R.J. and Liz Neary
- North End Teleservices
- Tenaska
Best Friend Sponsors
- American National Bank
- Bland & Associates
- Boyd Jones
- Deloitte
- Barb Else
- Home Instead
- Investors Realty
- Kiewit Building Group
- Lincoln Financial Group
- Methodist Hospital
- Morrissey Engineering
- Mutual of Omaha
- Olsson
- Pacific Village Dental
- Sandy Maass & Alan Thelen
- Scheels
- Thiele Geotech Inc.
- Security National Bank
- UNICO Group
- University of Nebraska Medical Center
- University of Nebraska Omaha
- West Gate Bank
Special thanks to these event supporters:
- Jim Goodman, Edward G. Jones
- Kiewit Corporation
- Dan & Kari Kinsella
- Mike McDonnell
- MENTOR Nebraska
- Noddle Companies
- Physicians Mutual Insurance
- Pinnacle Bank
- RDG Planning & Design
- Scantron Technology Solutions
- Mark Stillmock
- Werner Enterprises