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Mentoring at Kids Can

What is a mentor?

Kids Can mentors are dedicated volunteers who provide guidance, support, and encouragement. We have mentors from all walks of life including college students, working adults, and retired grandparents.  Mentors matches meet once a week at the Kids Can building. All mentors receive training and ongoing support from Kids Can staff. The year-long friends provide a caring, stable influence in a kid’s life.


How do I become involved?

The first step to becoming a Kids Can mentor is to fill out an application form. We will conduct a background check and interview. Mentors will attend a two-hour training session, covering the programs rules and expectations. After that, we’ll match you with your mentee!


Frequently Asked Questions         

   How old are the youth in the program?

   Mentees are 7 to 13 years-old.


   I don’t have any experience with kids, can I still become a mentor?

   Yes! The most important thing is to have an open mind and commitment.


   What is the minimum age for mentors?

   Mentors must be at least 19-years-old to participate and be matched with a mentee.


   How long does the relationship last?

   Longer relationships have stronger impacts on the mentees. We ask that all mentors make at least a 12-month volunteer commitment to the program.


   Where and when does mentoring take place?

   The mentoring takes place on-site at Kids Can Community Center on 4768 Q Street anytime from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM.


   What kinds of activities do mentors and mentees do together?

  Mentor pairs decide what they want to do together. Activities range from playing chess to baking a pizza to performing science experiments! Kids Can provides the activities and supplies necessary for your mentoring partnership needs.


For more information, contact Julie Madsen at 402-731-6988 or email




MENTOR Nebraska

Our mentoring program is accredited through the MENTOR Nebraska (formerly Midlands Mentoring Partnership), a non-profit dedicated to improve the number and quality of mentoring programs available to local youth. MENTOR Nebraska is a public/private organization that receives funding support from local government and private foundations. MENTOR Nebraska is made up of Partner Member organizations, Candidacy Member organizations, and is an affiliate of MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership.